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5 ways to control cholestrol
abuja trying to lower your cholesterol could seem like a riddle that’s impossible to solve, but it’s quite possible with a little info and some sacrifice, Women's Health reports.

Choose low-fat dairy products
Low-fat milk or fat-free yoghurt really have an unfair reputation for not being as tasty as their full bodied cousins. They have all the taste and are great to help control cholesterol.

Choose lean meats
Red meats are often high in unhealthy fats. Substitute them for fish, chicken and don’t shy away from beans and lentils.

Eat loads of fibre
If you’re already eating the beans and lentils, you’re well on your way. Also remember whole grain pasta, fruit and vegetables.

Five a day
Set yourself the goal of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Get colourful to make sure you are getting all the needed vitamins and minerals!

Oily fish are your friends
Pilchards, salmon, trout and herring are high in healthy Omega fatty acids and are great for the heart.

Read five more tips at Women's Health.

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